Composers and Authors /
Jermaks, Romualds (1931)
Biography WorksUnsaid Words (p-n)
By the Sea (p-no)
Blow Wind (org.)
Dieviņš's House Has Long Tables (SSAA)
Only Night, Nocturne (voice; organ)
I Ask Forgiveness From the Frozen Trees (S; fl.; org.)
Ave Maria (voice; organ)
Gloria Patri (S solo, SSSAA)
Sky and Sea (org)
Songs for Female Choir 2 ()
Songs for Female Choir 1 ()
Kokle Concert ()
Anthology of Latvian Choral Music XII: Journeys of the Soul (1940-2000) ()
Anthology of Latvian Choral Music X: The Sun's Golden Wreath (1991-2000) ()
Anthology of Latvian Choral Music IV: A Testimony (1966-1990) ()
Final Concert- Songs for Mixed Choir ()
Celebration Music (3 tpt.)
The Silver Rain Falls (pno., 4 hands)
Missa Paschalis (soli ST; SSAATTBB; org.; 3 tpt.; perc. (tri., camp., timp., C-lli, tamb.milit.))
Concerto for Alto Saxophone and Chamber Orchestra (a.sax.; pno.; perc.(2):xyl./mar., ch.bells, bongo, amb., tri., marac., sl.bells; vln.I (div.), vln.II, vla.(div.2), vc.(div.), Db.)
Martinmas Song (pno., 4 hands)
When Will You Come Back, My Brother? (pno., 4 hands)
Fanfares (3 tpt.)
A Soldier Going to Battle (TTBB)
Threshing Song (pno., 4 hands)
I Was my Mother`s Only Daughter (pno., 4 hands)
Watercolours III (pno.)
Watercolours II (pno.)
Watercolours I (pno.)